B4J Tutorial How to create a StandAlone EXE without the OpenJAVA (OpenJDK)... an update for your app..

Well "@MrKim" had a wish... and talking about this... then an idea came into my mind... not a "super-duper" but a trick...

So I am here to share it with you guys...

How to Create StandAlone Updates that will no need to include all the OpenJava (OpenJDK) files again.

* That mean, that first you must already had a Setup (for example created at Inno) extracting, copying the openjdk at the folder you want to call it afterwards, and ofcourse your basic app !

Now the standalone update…

First, make sure you already have IExpress.exe, by searching it (c:\windows\system32)… yes this tool exist for years… and is very old ! – But.. hey do not open it yet…

Create a folder in C:\, let’s say C:\myupdateproject

Into it create a batch file let’s say… test.bat

Having this code:
@echo off

rem %CD:~0,3%  --> that will get current drive, without 0,3 will get current directory... but may be you wanna have it standard at c:
IF NOT EXIST "C:\java\bin\javaw.exe" GOTO DOESNOTEXIST

set alias=Reg query "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP"
FOR /F "TOKENS=6 DELIMS=\." %%A IN ('%alias%') DO set .NetVer=%%A
REM ECHO The most current version of Net in use is %.NetVer%

echo Copy Files from temp extraction folder to specific directory
md c:\test1
copy /Y *.* c:\test1
cd c:\test1

echo Let's start our JAVA JAR app...
REM i am having my openjava in c:\java ... %CD%\ for app path.. may be need used
START C:\java\bin\javaw.exe --module-path C:\java\javafx\lib --add-modules ALL-MODULE-PATH -jar "c:\test1\app.jar"


echo .Net Framework is lower than 4
powershell [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("""System.Windows.Forms""");[Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::show(""".Net Framework is lower than 4""", """YourAPPName""",0)>nul
REM here you can download if you want... or open url
start https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/topic/microsoft-net-framework-4-8-offline-installer-for-windows-9d23f658-3b97-68ab-d013-aa3c3e7495e0


echo OpenJDK not exists at folder C:\java\
powershell [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("""System.Windows.Forms""");[Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::show("""OpenJDK not exists at folder C:\java\""", """YourAPPName""",0)>nul
REM here you can download if you want... or open url
start https://b4xfiles-4c17.kxcdn.com/jdk-11.0.1.zip


In the same folder copy your built - release jar app…

Okay now run “cmd.exe” with Admin Rights, an easy way is having it at taskbar settings (wind10) instead Powershell… so right click at Start Menu… has command line (Administrator)….

Get into C:\myupdateproject, typing cd c:\myupdateproject

And run from here IExpress.exe
(have in mind running from anywhere else will not work right)

Next.. is «Επόμενο» (in greek, sorry guys)

Select first option and Next.. «Επόμενο»

Name of package… let’s say test… and Next



Add here your batch file and app.jar… Next

At Install program “cmd /c test.bat”… next

I prefer Hidden … to not show cmd shell.. but may be need to trick form to show from b4j code… next


Here you must give the exe name you wanna create… also check Hide and Store… and Next…

I like no restart… and next…

Save it for future editing… next…


And magic… creating the exe…

Τέλος… is the END !
an exe created that including batch inside of it, jar and any other file you want...

ps: I love batch files !
Last edited:


Licensed User
Longtime User
I don't understand your question...

Updated or Not... you must include the "whole" compiled jar, needed files (if outside of assets) and the batch... only thing that not including is the openjava... (because checking if is installed at specific path... if not goes to download it)

I am not saying that is the best scenario... but is a scenario

ps: Wow I had long time to write at forum :-(


Licensed User
Longtime User
It's okay.
I think this is a solution for an updater (probably if we have a new jar), not a patch (for fixing small bugs).
Nowadays I don't see patch. The last time I see patch was when I played windows games.
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