B4J Question How to create absolute or relative UI layout?

Ju Yang

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I want to use internal designer from B4J to do the following UI layout:

a. place a panel on top of a form, and set this panel always at the top of the form;
b. place the second panel onto form, and set it position as match client of the form;

I just want to create this type of layout in order to make the layout auto relatively positoned on form, but didn't find any properties of the panel to set, like match parent, match client or always top similar properties used in visual basic, delphi etc. tools.

Could any expert to post good suggestions for my question?

Ju Yang

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Longtime User
Thanks, Erel, yes you are right, I have got an example meets my requirements.

By the way, Could you please give some web link or material for designer script usage?
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