Android Question How to create an event?


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What are the steps to create an event?
My objective is: A class or object that wait n seconds and when it complete (wait n seconds) it raises the event complete, like mediaplayer complete.

I want that because my app show wait some time before running the next music file. It works fine but if I try to back or forward the music that app don't respond because I've implement the wait sub like:

Sub WaitSeconds(seconds As Int)
Dim Ti As Long
  Ti = DateTime.Now + (seconds * 1000)
  Do While DateTime.Now < Ti
End Sub


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Use a Timer, the Timer _Tick callback is your completed event.
I have to implement it on a service. I've try but it seems to work only with activities.
Is there another option or I'm doing something wrong?

Best Regards.
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Thank you guys. The problem was I've put the timer on a code module and then call it from a service. It doesn't work.
I put the timer in the service and it works.
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