B4R Question How to create B4R's Library ?


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I don't use C. I want to creating library just use VB in the B4R ?

vali khandangoll

Active Member
it is possible and easy.
i had this problem beafor.
you must do this.

1-you must download a library h file.
2-you must create library xml file with this command.
java -jar b4rh2xml.jar << library h filename and path >> << new library xml filename and path>>
3-you must define short library name for new xml library file like below.this name will be show in b4r editor rightclick.
<shortname> library shortname</shortname>
you must write this after
<name>B4R::library name</name>

be success


  • B4Rh2xml.jar
    98 KB · Views: 236
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