I want to retrieve JSON data from my electricity supplier, they have an API which I have a API_Key for but the examples they give are using the CURL tool at the CMD prompt, something I can't get my head around.
In some of my previous amateur apps I have issued a browser request which then returns the JSON data which I can work on but I don't know how I would convert their example to a simple HTTPS:// request
Below is their example with the API_Key removed
curl -u "API KEY" "https://api.octopus.energy/v1/electricity-meter-points/1460001714995/meters/15P0459914/consumption/"
I have tried the company but I think due to the Covid situation I don't think any one is working in their support team
Don't know if someone can help but its worth a shout out, thanks
I want to retrieve JSON data from my electricity supplier, they have an API which I have a API_Key for but the examples they give are using the CURL tool at the CMD prompt, something I can't get my head around.
In some of my previous amateur apps I have issued a browser request which then returns the JSON data which I can work on but I don't know how I would convert their example to a simple HTTPS:// request
Below is their example with the API_Key removed
curl -u "API KEY" "https://api.octopus.energy/v1/electricity-meter-points/1460001714995/meters/15P0459914/consumption/"
I have tried the company but I think due to the Covid situation I don't think any one is working in their support team
Don't know if someone can help but its worth a shout out, thanks