B4J Question How to implement the MidExtract function of B4A in B4J


Hello everyone, I am looking for help to use this function in B4J.

MidExtract (StringText As String, Start As String, EndAt As String) As String

Used to extract text from a string between to other blocks of text.

Ans = MidExtract("Dr. Jim Joe Brown", "Jim", "Brown") 'Returns: Joe

Ans = MidExtract("Dr. Jim [Joe] Brown", "[", "]") 'Returns: Joe

any help is important to me, thank you.
Note. I clarify that in the JStringFunctions library this function is not.


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Please use [code]code here...[/code] tags when posting code.

Don't use StringFunctions or jStringFunctions. Old, unmaintained and not needed.

Sub AppStart (Args() As String)
    Log(MidExtract("Dr. Jim Joe Brown", "Jim", "Brown").Trim)
    Log(MidExtract("Dr. Jim [Joe] Brown", "[", "]"))
End Sub

 Public Sub MidExtract (StringText As String, Start As String, EndAt As String) As String
     Dim i1 As Int = StringText.IndexOf(Start) + Start.Length
    Dim i2 As Int = StringText.IndexOf2(EndAt, i1)
    Return StringText.SubString2(i1, i2)
End Sub
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