Hello, honorable members, referring to this link earlier raized: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/t...ont-and-back-camera-on-webrtc-webview.119962/
I have carried out more intense research by dwelling only on javascript based on @ Erel's suggestion. I have used webviewextras and webviewextras2 (not together) just to make sure i execute javascript function that can pass command to webrtc to change phone camera from front to back and verse-versa. I have tried several examples on this forum, but many focuses were just on (1) loading javascript/html resource into webview i.e webview1.loadURL(....) (2) Passing data (values) from javascript to webview i.e WebViewExtras1.ExecuteJavascript(WebView1, "',true)};"). I only succeeded in loading asset javascript/html file into webview, which did not change the camera,but affected current display by loading itself into webview. Now, my question is: Can i send command from javascript function to webview in b4a without loading into webview or send data from javascript? However, if loading URl or passing data will solve my problem, i don't care so far it works. Please, help me
I have carried out more intense research by dwelling only on javascript based on @ Erel's suggestion. I have used webviewextras and webviewextras2 (not together) just to make sure i execute javascript function that can pass command to webrtc to change phone camera from front to back and verse-versa. I have tried several examples on this forum, but many focuses were just on (1) loading javascript/html resource into webview i.e webview1.loadURL(....) (2) Passing data (values) from javascript to webview i.e WebViewExtras1.ExecuteJavascript(WebView1, "',true)};"). I only succeeded in loading asset javascript/html file into webview, which did not change the camera,but affected current display by loading itself into webview. Now, my question is: Can i send command from javascript function to webview in b4a without loading into webview or send data from javascript? However, if loading URl or passing data will solve my problem, i don't care so far it works. Please, help me