How to perform "drag to re-order"?


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My CheckList class already implements this feature.
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Dave O

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I know that the Checklist class currently needs a long click to start a drag.

Will ULV be able to do dragging using a button on each list item as shown in the example above, instead of (or more likely, in addition to) the long click? The button makes drag-and-drop quicker to use and more discoverable.

Also (and I can't recall offhand if you answered this in another thread), will ULV show the target of the drop (either by dynamically shuffling items or by providing a target divider?

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In ULV, you can use a touch or a long-click event to start a d&d, so it is possible to use a button as in many other listviews.

The items are reordered dynamically during the d&d to show where the item is going to be inserted.
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