Android Question How to - Point of Sale App that displays on device and external monitor


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Hi all,
How would I build a Point of Sale (POS) app that renders one layout to the cashier and another layout to the customer?
Typically, these types of apps allow the cashier to enter or scan in the customers purchases, while displaying the purchase summary to the customer, and then allowing the customer to press a button on the monitor to accept the purchase. Seems like the monitor would have to accept input and logic to execute the code behind the button options.

The cashier would be using an Android tablet and the customer could be viewing on a display-only (monitor) type device or another Android device.

Things to consider:
1) how to connect tablet to tablet or tablet to monitor, so they work together.
2) how to build the B4A app to display one layout on the device and the other layout on a monitor.
3) app to accept barcode scanning and do database lookup and display customer name, address, etc. and photo. Either WiFi or network RJ45 cable connection.
4) customer search popup feature if barcode not found in transaction db table
4) app would display purchase history and options to customer monitor
5) display options to customer monitor that they can select to purchase.

We are currently using Gateway/Galaxy POS devices to do this, but want to use B4A to take its place, as we want to add custom features, as outlined above.

Hopefully someone has an idea or has done this, and can lead me in the right direction.

Mark Stuart


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