From User's Guide,4) SQLite Database
I am using the example wrote for Klaus also the DB: "persons" but I have changed many thing because
I want to read a specific data then show it in an EditText, How could I do it?
Using the code below, I got this error: "An error has occurred in sub:
Android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException: no such tableersons(Code1):,while compiling:
Sub Button1_Click
'Dim i As Int
Dim Cursor1 As Cursor
Cursor1 = SQL1.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM persons")
'Cursor1 = SQL1.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM personas WHERE FirstName = ?")
Cursor1.Position = 3 'example location3 'set the cursor
EditText3.Text = Cursor1.GetString("FirstName") 'read the value of the FirstName column
'EditText4.Text = Cursor1.GetString("LastName") 'read the value of the LasstName column
'edtCity.Text = Cursor1.GetString("City") 'read the value of the City column
End Sub
You are forgetting to copy the database from Assets folder to the ruta folder: Your activity_create code should be like the code below code. Also, change the text colors of the editetxt3 to say red as it is white on white so you can see the text:
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
'check if copy in SD or internal memory
If File.ExternalWritable Then
ruta = File.DirDefaultExternal 'SD
ruta = File.DirInternal 'internal
End If
'check if the database already exists
If File.Exists(ruta, "persons.db") = False Then
File.Copy(File.DirAssets,"persons.db", ruta, "persons.db") 'Added my Mahares
End If
Activity.Title = "SQLiteTest1"
End Sub