Hi. I've written an FTP application that copies image files from my phone's internal memory to a hard drive I have attached to my router. For SD card files, I'm trying to use the example program provided by Erel on using ExternalStorage. I understand that output from ListFiles cannot be used directly, but one can use FindFiles instead. However, when I use it, I get the the error "java.io.FileNotFoundException: Camera/1211201928o.jpg (No such file or directory)". What should I use?
Dim folder As ExternalFile = GetCurrentFolder
Dim f1 As ExternalFile
f1 = EStorage.FindFile(GetCurrentFolder, f.Name)
''Dim in As InputStream = EStorage.OpenInputStream(f)
Dim sf As Object = ftp.UploadFile(folder.Name,f1.Name,False, "/easystore/Backups/" & f1.name)
Wait For (sf) FTP_UploadCompleted (ServerPath As String, Success As Boolean)