I have two teams trying to to install a B4J Jar as a WEB app. Team one, using Tomcat on a AWS server where the data is linked to a separate data source. The app can be accessed at svn.cgumpdesign.com and works (sorta). Just leave the Login and PWD blank - it will run a Sample dataset. While It does runs the connection is not secure. Although usable it is not user friendly - requires the user to accept Pop-Ups which confuses most people. The other team also using Tomcat on a JustHost server. The JustHost server had to use a skeleton Cpanel to install Tomcat. But Tomcat is installed. The JustHost server has the the site Grok3.com. Grok3.com is secure and all resources (data) can be contained but at the moment uses the same data link. It does not run. Try Grok3.com and you will see the splash screen but it will not execute beyond. This error does occur "websocket connection to 'ws:grok3.com:8082/ws' failed: reconnecting-websocket.js:209".
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