Problems with <font size>
Hello dzt,
do you have an explanation for the following HTML appereance in dzHTMLViewLib:
I generate a HTML File with SQL-Datas, save it and navigate to it with the hc-object :
Sub DoHtmlForm
hc.EnableContextMenu = false
HtStr = "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC " & Chr(34) & "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" & Chr(34) & ">" & crlf & crlf & "<html>" & crlf & "<head>" & crlf & "<title>" & AktTab & "</title>" & crlf & "<meta content=" & Chr(34) & "Evrsoft First Page" & Chr(34) & " name=" & Chr(34) & "GENERATOR" & Chr(34) & ">" & crlf & "</head>" & crlf & crlf & "<body>" & crlf
HtmStr = HtStr
For i = 0 To FGrid.ColCount-1
HtStr = "<font size=" & Chr(34) & "2" & Chr(34) & ">" & FGrid.ColName(i) & " | " & FGrid.Cell(FGrid.ColName(i),0) & "</font>" & "<br>"
HtmStr = HtmStr & crlf & HtStr
HtStr = "</body>" & crlf & "</html>"
HtmStr = HtmStr & crlf & HtStr
If FileExist ("TempHtm.htm") = True Then
FileOpen(c1, "TempHtm.htm", cWrite, ,)
FileWrite(c1, HtmStr)
End If
hc.Navigate("file://" & AppPath & "\" & "TempHtm.htm")
End Sub
The result is shown in the "View_SQL_Application.jpg".
If I load the same file with the Browser the result is shown in the "View_IExplorer.jpg"
I use a Mobile 5 Device with VGA capability. Should it be, that VGA is the reason for ignoring the <font Size> Tag? Or is there another reason?
Best regards