Android Question Httpjob java error calling job.postString

Gnappo jr

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I apologize in advance if I'm wrong in entering the post, or if there is already a solution I did not look good in the forum.
I have an error with job.postString

'B4a version 5.02(1) + UttpUtils2 version 2.01

Sub Globals
Private ServerUrl As String="" & "?query=" & "select count(adulti) as TotPersone FROM Prenotazioni"
'This work ==> Private ServerUrl As String="""
End Sub

Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
End Sub

Sub Activity_Resume

Dim job As HttpJob
job.Initialize("Job0", Me)
job.PostString(ServerUrl,"") ' <==== LINE ERROR
End Sub

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Illegal character in query at index 46: count(adulti) as TotPersone FROM Prenotazioni

Calling count(adulti) as TotPersone FROM Prenotazioni with browser Firefoxwork the server responding fine: [{"TotPersone":1}]

Any help is appreciated
Best regards


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Longtime User
It looks like your server script needs a GET request, so the call looks like this:

Job.Download2("",  _
                     Array As String("query", "select count(adulti) as TotPersone FROM Prenotazioni"))

Take a search (Google or here) for GET and POST requests.

By the way: Be careful as anyone can send any request to that script (one could send a "Delete from Prenotazioni" and your table is empty). Use RDC or just send only data to your scripts and encrypt it.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
OffTopic (and even not :))
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Gnappo jr

Active Member
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Longtime User
It looks like your server script needs a GET request, so the call looks like this:

Job.Download2("",  _
                     Array As String("query", "select count(adulti) as TotPersone FROM Prenotazioni"))

Take a search (Google or here) for GET and POST requests.

By the way: Be careful as anyone can send any request to that script (one could send a "Delete from Prenotazioni" and your table is empty). Use RDC or just send only data to your scripts and encrypt it.

I resolved, the problem was due to the presence of invisible abnormal characters in the query blank. I deleted them and reinserted and everything worked.
If it can be useful to someone the problem originated in copying and pasting from a query of sql managent studio form.
Thanks to KMatle for the precious advice that has allowed me to come to the fore and that is a good reason for me to study.
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