Wish IDE Color Picker should have sample color box


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Here are a few suggestions for the Color Picker that is under the Tools menu of the IDE.

1) I'd like the Color Picker in the IDE to have a small panel for the current color under the ""Copy to Clipboard" button so we get a better view of the selected color. As it stands, all I see is a small circle in the gradient panel and a separate color panel would show off the chosen color a lot better.

2) If you want to add 2 text labels on top of the color, like "White" and "Black" in their respective colors, that would be good too. :)

3) Can Up/Down arrows be added to the A,R,G,B edit boxes so we can adjust them with a mouse?

4) I don't know if this is possible, but add a dropdown for the ColorValue with predefined colors like there is in the Designer. That would allow us to choose say "Green" or "DarkGray" from the dropdown and then the RGB fields will be filled in with those colors and the circle positioned to that color value automatically. Now we can tweak that color, say when choosing a 2nd color for a gradient. So we can start with a standard color like Green, then darken it.

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I too would like these additions to the color picker.

It is very frustrating to set colors for things in code when views have a 100+ color dropdown in the designer, but typing Colors.xxxx in the code window only gives us 16 colors.

Plus this:
- Should have eye dropper tool/icon so can move the mouse over somewhere else on the screen and take a snapshot of the color at that point on the screen when the mouse is clicked - this way we can get the color values to match something else on the screen
- Have the option to put into the clipboard the RGB values preformatted like "(234,128,100)" for the times that separate RGB values are desired instead of just a hex value.


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One more feature I'd like to see:

5) Since I can't invoke the Color Picker when my app is running (Tools > Color Picker menu item is disabled), I often leave Color Picker running. But I need to minimize the window when I don't really need it, otherwise the window floats on top of other windows and gets in the way when I'm not using it.


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@Erel - Oops. I thought this thread was about IDE themes.