Android Example IDE Theme: Night Owl

Even though I don't know enough to help people with B4A code, I thought that I would give back what I can and share an IDE theme with you.

I ported one of my favourite VS Code themes, Night Owl to B4x and it's attached to this post.

It's a quick-and-dirty initial conversion, and still does need a few tweaks and refinements, but most of the elements are the right colour.
It's good enough to start using, so I thought that I would upload it here - hope that it's useful to someone.


(For the curious, the font used in the screenshot above is IBM Plex Mono.)

I'll update it further when I get a moment.

Release notes:
Ver. 0.1.0: Initial release


  • Night
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Lucas Siqueira

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Longtime User
Dracula theme for ide code



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