Android Question Idea and question for app prototyping


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I thought about an app for prototyping apps. You (or your designers) could design and collect views. For prototyping this views could be connected with:
  • Activities / Pages, Panels
  • xCustomListViews (with collections of views)
  • Custom Dialogs
You could not only put the views into Panels (ListViews, Dialogs,...) but also put actions to the events (like button_Click) of the views. This actions could be:
  • Open a new Activity / Page
  • Open a Dialog
  • Call a custom Sub
So you could in minutes prototype your new app ideas, even cross platform, and this is only the top of the possibilities, I emagine.

So far for theory. How to get this remote created prototypes into this prototyping-app?

Best way, to load layouts dynamically, not from assets, to have something like "Panel1.LoadLayout2(Dir as String, LayoutFile as String)", also to load layout in JSON format.
But for now, could I use B4XViews this way, to create layouts dynamically from JSON (or another script) in runtime?
Sub CreateView(typ As String, name As String) As B4XView
    Dim obj As B4XView
    Select typ
        Case "Label"
            Dim lbl As Label
            obj = lbl
        Case "Button"
            Dim btn As Button
            obj = btn   
    End Select
    Return obj
End Sub
Or is there a better way?
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