If you used the same project, I can think only to some problems related to the Android version but that would be strange.
Dim stepx = 1,stepy = 1,zerox = 10%x,zeroy = 17%y As Float
For i=0 To 15
img(i).Width = 20%x
img(i).Height = 20%x
img(i).Top = zeroy * stepy
img(i).Left = zerox + stepx
If i mod 2 = 0 And Not(i = 0) Then
stepx = 1
stepy = stepy + 1
stepx = stepx + 1
End If
The ss i sent you is the same project i posted here.
Well, it seems to work well, without adding gravity.fill.
(I can not attach the project, some files are missed)
btw is this not simpler instead of set every image seperatly?:
B4X:Dim stepx = 1,stepy = 1,zerox = 10%x,zeroy = 17%y As Float For i=0 To 15 Activity.AddView(img(i),0,0,0,0) img(i).Width = 20%x img(i).Height = 20%x img(i).Top = zeroy * stepy img(i).Left = zerox + stepx If i mod 2 = 0 And Not(i = 0) Then stepx = 1 stepy = stepy + 1 Else stepx = stepx + 1 End If Next
have not test it !