B4A Library InMobi Ads

Hi Folks,

Attached is the inMobi ad library.

I've tested it out (and thanks to susu for helping to test), but the inventory for our location in asia seems low.

Maybe those in EU or US will have a better fill rate.

Give the library a go.

In Manifest:

<!-- Mandatory activity declaration to show the Ad in the embedded browser -->
<activity android:name="com.inmobi.androidsdk.IMBrowserActivity"
           android:configChanges="keyboardHidden|orientation|keyboard" />

The library should be straightforward to use.

Goodest Luck! May you be super rich in 2012!!!


PS - InMobi dashboard is not updated real time... takes a while to update.

PPS - Hoping you know how to add advertising libraries... if you dont know, look at the other ad libraries, or ask here...


  • MESinMobi.zip
    2.7 KB · Views: 428


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Thanks but your code isn't working either. It probably needs some time to start working. Let us wait for a day or two.


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Ads are showing up now. Thanks for all the help.

So it looks like only 320x48 size is possible now. Is it possible to get other ad sizes?


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I don't know. I always use 320x48 ad banner.


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Have you tried InMobi through Admob mediation? I can see InMobi ads using the SDK you sent me but through Admob it always says no inventory available.

I was wondering if this is because we need the latest InMobi SDK in our project.


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No, I don't use Admob mediation and I believe current InMobi wrapper did not support it.


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Yes, it's a good news :D


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hi :)
I try to implement InMobi, but without success.. :(

  im.initialise(True, "xxxxxxxxx")
  inMobiPanel.AddView(im, 0, 0, inMobiPanel.Width, inMobiPanel.Height)
  Activity.AddView(inMobiPanel, Activity.Width/2 - 160dip, Activity.Height - 48dip, Activity.Width, 48dip)

(Error is: "class file for com.inmobi.androidsdk.IMAdView not found")

Is there a step-by-step InMob guide?

Tnx for help!!


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The InMobi SDK itself has advanced a lot and they now have something called Native Ads that actually blend with the content in an intelligent fashion, that too in different sizes and layouts. You can choose the one that suits your UI.

According to InMobi, these integrated ads have a click through rate that is 8 times higher than traditional banner. I also feel like a banner that sits at the bottom of the screen mostly goes unnoticed by the user. They tend to go ad blind. But this unit puts it right in the middle, along with content.

I hope someone updates the B4A wrapper to include native ads.
