Android Question Installing Java JDK and Android SDK


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Recently I had my PC stolen. Luckily I had most of my B4A files on backups. I have B4A Ver8.00 on my new PC. I downloaded and installed Java: JDK jdk-8u171-windows-i856.exe. I then downloaded Android SDK: and unzipped it.
All old apps that I saved, still compile and download to a device connected with B4A-Bridge okay.
When I go to Tools>Configure Paths and Open the SDK Manager button I get the following:

What a do I need to do to resolve these errors.
Regards Gerrard


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Longtime User
Thanks Don, Erel
I started by uninstalling B4A, then followed the video in sequence. The SDK manager installed all the recommended (it took ages - about 30 Min). At the end, the following message was in the bottom window: "Warning File C:\users\gerra\.android\repositories.cfg could not be loaded".
What do I need to do about that?
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Licensed User
Longtime User
I did start with a new folder to which I added a subfolder for the downloaded SDK, and a subfolder for the downloaded JDK. Maybe that was wrong? I thought I got the Tools>Configure Paths correct. Maybe that was wrong? I will start again from the beginning.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
I have followed the video and the suggestions you made. All the recommended items in the sdk manager installed correctly.
However, in the bottom part of the screen below the installed items, I still get the message "Warning File C:\users\gerra\.android\repositories.cfg could not be loaded."
I searched the whole PC but there is no file 'repositories.cfg' anywhere. Can I make one?
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