Installing new apk on dewice

Hi everybody, I am new on b4a programming. Why i can't install my new projects as another apk ? When i install new apk on my phone, that installs upon previous but actually different program. (even, Tittles, project hame and apk name different).

What is my fault?

Thank you.


Licensed User
Longtime User
Hey there

In the IDE, make sure in "Project | Package Name", here it is different, the default is always "b4a.example". You will need to change this, please try it and save then compile

Kind Regards
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package Folders

Thank you, Nrasool, how i can't think that.:) I was think about what is package name. I must ask another thing about it, where we use to these package folders ? Package process creates two folders seperated "." from package name. They are about Java ?
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Hey there

Yup you will get two folders, one if the files folder, where you images will get placed within the application, and the other is objects. This contains the java source code of your application and also you will have a debug/release version of the .apk

Hope it makes sense

Kind Regards
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install Folders

I intend, when i said folders that under objects/Src folder. When i define package name, b4a creates two folder seperated "dot" from package name like Hello.World -> Hello and World folders. Hello folder contains World folder and world folder contains DesignerSicripts folder and Main.Java file. Guess, Main.Java compiled java file of b4a project. But anyway, i still not perceive, why Hello folder contains the others. Guess this structure needful about java project.

Thank you again for your first answer. Problem is solved.

Best Regards

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