All files under the "temp" folder will be deleted. Exactly as with the external packager (same code). You need to copy it to prevent it from being deleted.
Sorry I said it wrong.
The external picker has THEE original .iss file that I've modified with quiet a few templates within it. Actually forget all that, what I'm simply asking is I take it that B4J must have an InstallerScript.iss somewhere (just like the external packer does). I've modified the script with multiple settings at the top which depending on which app I'm assembling I just un-comment out (
the project info that I don't need. In B4J packer I have the multiple InputJar lines commented out with a (') pointing to different client projects. When I need to build a package for a client, I just need to do the following three steps.
1. In B4JPacker11 un-comment (') the correct InputJar line and comment out the rest.
2. Make sure that icon.ico is the correct icon(as each build/exe uses a different ico
3. In the B4J .iss file in the file manager tab I un-comment the correct MyApp....... details for the correct client app to build.
The above three steps take less than 20 seconds, then I just hit run in B4J. In B4KPacker11 I just have to keep adding new clients projects by just adding the InputJar line and a new icon, in the .iss file I just have to copy and past the 4 MyApp......... lines and change their details for the new app. I'm B4JPacker11 the above steps 3 steps (once set up) makes assembling multiple clients apps a breeze as B4J and also the .iss file is also already set up, I just need to comment/un-comment the correct client details and click on run.
If I go to build a clients project using the internal packer I would need to constantly re-enter the MyApp...... details after every single time I build a standard package, that's what I mean by it's too limited for me. I don't want to keep entering the same details into MyApp..... in the newly generated .iss file. It would be great if I've missed something and you can say to me 'Peter you've missed this', blah blah blah.
Using B4JPacker11 once I add a new InputJar line, app_icon.ico and entered the 4 lines (currently I only use 3 of the 4 lines) into the .iss file I never ever have to do that again, I just control the builds with (') 1 line in B4J and (
3 lines in Inno Setup Compiler.
In B4JPacker11 I have this lot ready to go
The .iss files basically looks like this
It's so simple once setup within B4JPacker11. It would be really nice if we could somehow setup a template for the build standalone package. If there is a way Erel then please let me know. If there is not a way to set the information only once and use it multiple times (per project) then to me it's limited compared to B4JPacker11 where I don't need to constantly enter the app information time and time again.
Thank you