Android Question Integrating ironSource with Admob Mediation


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Hi all friends ? ?

I want to use the Google Mobile Ads SDK to load and display ads from ironSource through mediation.

It covers how to add ironSource to an ad unit's mediation configuration, how to set up ad network optimization, and how to integrate the ironSource SDK and adapter into your Android app.

The third step is to Import the ironSource SDK and adapter to B4A !!

And in the Manual Integration section, it says you should "Download the latest version of the ironSource Android SDK and add it to your project."
1-Where is the exact location of this file in B4A?

It also says " Download the latest .aar file of the adapter from Bintray and add it to your project. "
2-Exactly where this file should be placed in B4A ?

3-Do I need to download this file? maven-metadata.xml

thank you for your help??


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