Android Tutorial Intent Filters - Intercepting SMS messages in the background

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use the PhoneStateChangedevent from the PHONE lib.

thanx manfred, but i will still need that intent filter right?
i need to add it to the manifest and create a service where the recording start when a call was answered or a call was performed

how would the manifest permission look like?

<action android:name="android.provider.Telephony.CALL_RECEIVED" />



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With this code I can get SMS body and sender number, how can I get the date of SMS? Thanks.


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I looked at the phone library:sign0085:, but I do not understand how to catch the action "send message", since I will not get this from the log, but I would like that every time they send is stored in a db, even if the user deletes the sms ...
Found a solution?


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This filter does not work when the screen is locked with a password, how to bypass it


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is it possible to block the number of sending (only 1 sms) same correspondent or same number phone ?
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