Sharing code via "smsto" is known. But is there any solution to pre-setup the phone number contact ?
Googling cannot help, and very old postings...
For Viber, at least.
Or is it now impossible for sure ? to send to the selected phone number.
No, you did not understand correctly. Subject is about apps-messengers, Viber, Skype.... to open it with the pre-installed contact.
Many samples of code that worked in 2014, 2015, but not now, 2017.
Seems, no possibility to make it now, cannot find...
Sub Send_Viber(tel As String)
Dim i As Intent
i.Initialize(i.ACTION_VIEW, "tel:" & tel) ' MAIN THING !
Dim jo As JavaObject = i
jo.RunMethod("setPackage", Array("com.viber.voip"))
End Sub