I need to intercept event from external lib.
In Android Studio i have this code:
When Call the ModuleIface.init the library call automatically onStatusChange, how can I intercept this event?
The object of the init are:
- Context
- ModuleIface
My try in B4A:
I need to intercept event from external lib.
In Android Studio i have this code:
public class ScanDevicesActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements ModuleIface {
public void onItemClick(View v, int position) {
void onStatusChange(int statusCode)
When Call the ModuleIface.init the library call automatically onStatusChange, how can I intercept this event?
The object of the init are:
- Context
- ModuleIface
My try in B4A:
#AdditionalJar: mylibrary
Sub Test()
Dim R2 as Reflector
Dim Jo As JavaObject
Dim CallBack As Object = Jo.CreateEvent("onStatusChange", "Callback", Null)
jo.RunMethod("init",Array(r2.GetActivity, e))
End Sub
Sub Callback_Event (MethodName As String, Args() As Object) As Object
End If