My iPhone 6 works just fine. It is my Taiwan phone # phone. Battery life is amazing. Bought Used, 5 years ago, $100 US and the battery life is amazing. But my daily driver is a pixel 6 because I dropped and cracked the screen on my pixel (2?) and the battery was going anyway.
I read an interesting article recently.
Talked about the history of the Automobile.
From circa 1900 to 1950 the name of the game in America was getting everybody A CAR.
By 1950 everybody who wanted/needed a car had one.
So what do you do to keep sales going? The answer was new colors every year, more chrome, less chrome, power windows, power seats, radios, heaters, air conditioners, bigger motors - ad infinitum...
In other words add stems and seeds that you don't need to drive sales. Get people to turn in a perfectly good car so they had this years paint scheme.
Then the author threw in the sucker punch. He noted that this is pretty much the position that Apple is in today. New "cool" colors and more mega pixels that are, in reality useless. This to get people to dump a perfectly good phone for something "NEW AND IMPROVED!!"
While I have never bought in to this schtick - I am a "does this offer me anything I need?" kinda guy.
It did make me start to take a whole different view of the articles on new phones. I started seeing the carefully orchestrated nature of these articles, ("The Crazy New Feature In The NEW Blogospehere 2000 Phone that I Just Can't Live Without!!!") no doubt in some way strongly influenced by Apple/Android/Google $$ in some way shape of form. ("Hey, this guy says really good things about us! We should advertise on his blog. Maybe hire him to write some stuff for us.")
Mostly I buy new stuff because they @#$@$ change stuff and I need to test my code on new devices. I buy Pixels because they run unadulterated Android - gold standard for testing.
The funny thing is I got into computers 40+ YA because everything else I got bored after 6 months but computers changed every 6 months and I loved the challenge. Now I'm like oh #$%#$ not another effing upgrade.