is 3d printing accurate?


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Are the Gears in PLA?

yes i use PLA only (

Do you experience warping when printing large first layer objets?

no, first layer and the other are very straight. have you seen the video i posted in the first post?

the bed level sensor is creating a mesh of the bed (9 points) and it is taking them in account when printing. you can do the bed levling manually if you dont have a bed levler sensor. have a look at this video:



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actually i am right now printing something that is 160mm(length)x130mm(width)x8mm(height)
and as you can see everything is flat also in the corners. no wrapping issues


EDIT: i dont know if it has something to do with it but i am printing on a glass bed!


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actually i am right now printing something that is 160mm(length)x130mm(width)x8mm(height)
and as you can see everything is flat also in the corners. no wrapping issues

View attachment 130182

EDIT: i dont know if it has something to do with it but i am printing on a glass bed!
I have a creality original glass bed too...
Anything higher than 3/4cm will give me some degree of warping...
I plan to build a cabinet for it to prevent drafts


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I have a creality original glass bed too...
Anything higher than 3/4cm will give me some degree of warping...
I plan to build a cabinet for it to prevent drafts

can it be that the temperature on your bed is not equal?
for me it sounds like some spot are not hot enough and the PLA is not sticking enough to the bed or you have some bed level issues. maybe you need to re-calibrate your bed z level height. does it happen anywhere on the bed? try to print in a different spot like corners and see if it happens there too.


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btw this is a good bed level test print. if all strips sticks to the bed then your z level is good. if not you need to re-calibrate it.



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Nice idea to print (it's not new... it's from 2016¡)



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In case it helps at all:
I couldn't get anything to stick to the glass plate. Then I tried PVA glue. one part pva to ten parts water. Wipe over the glass and let it dry (might need two or three layers first time). Re-apply every few prints. Every now and then clean the plate completely and re-apply.


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I plan buying an ender 6 xyz core... just don't know when...


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at work we have several 3d printers. 1 of them is from Formlabs.

i don't like the results of this printer and the resin is very very expensive but my company has a lot of money so they don't care ?
we pay for 1L 1000 ILS ~ 300$.

for my printer at home, i pay ~ 23$ for 1kg. very big difference!


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Hi friends, I've read this interesting discussion.
I have a Creality Ender 3 too, and a CNC made by me.

Actually I still work (from 2018) on a B4A app capable to control:
- 3D Printer
- CNC router
- Laser cutter (gcode files from LaserGRBL)

This app start in simulation mode, can control machines via USB OTG cable or via WiFi (local or internet) using a Raspberry or ESP8266/ESP32 as server.

App no yet finished but with 3D printer layout some FB peoples already took a 3D print on my 3D printer remotely, from city to city, it worked well even without WiFi, just with mobile data (SIM) and this is fantastic, just needed my public ip address (Dynamic DNS services can be used).

I think I need to remove remote control for laser machines, it is very dangerous, it require people on the machine.... it can fire

I'm wrote a library called CNCFrame to control these machines, this library is no yet finished but have some classes like GCodeLoader that help to load a gcode file and read it line by line with NextLine command, GCodeParser that extract all gcode codes and values from a line, XYZEABCFGM etc..., GCodeViewer to show gcode movements on a Canvas, SerialConnector with preformed Serial settings panel to just place it on Activity (or Form).

I've developed the same library for desktop too (B4J) it works on PC and Raspberry, even touch. This is not finished because I encountered problems on GCodeViewer, on B4A I use a big canvas inside a ScrollView2D this way I can pan the view, but on desktop I do not found a ScrollView2D counterpart.
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Been playing with octoprinter control app for fun. No real GUI yet and still a few bugs but all basic controls work.
target computer will be older android tablets as their browsers are not supported by octoprint and are really slow.

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My app acts like octoprint, but there are some substantial differences:
- it do not work on browser, it is a native Android app
- it do not have refresh when page reloaded, or every some seconds, it have refresh every 1 millisecond
- It do not support plugins but already have some of it embedded inside, IP camera MJPEG video stream, remote timed or synced timelapses with dedicated page to mount it to MP4 video, assisted manual or automatic bed calibration with BLTouch.
It print on 3D print LCD infos, use 3D printer beeper
- it is compatible with Marlin and GRBL firmwares
- it do not only support 3D printers but have 3 different (but pretty the same) layouts for 3D Printer, CNC Router, Laser cutting machines. In future I want add Foam cutter machines and Plasma cutter machines... for plasma to be evalutated from users
- it support realtime log over USB but even over WiFi, so the remote server while work send a detailed log to the app (line by line of gcode file) on what it send to a machine over USB and on what the machine send as response
- it have the same layout on tablets and phones, so on phone all is smaller but with same identical layout
- other some interesting features that I cannot explain here
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Well-Known Member
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My app acts like octoprint, but thre are some substantial differences:
- it do not work on browser, it is a native Android app
- it do not have refresh when page reloaded, or every some seconds, it ave refresh every 1 millisecond
- It do not support plugins but already have some of it embedded inside, IP camera MJPEG video stream, remote timed or synced timelapses with dedicated page to mount it to MP4 video, assisted manual or automatic bed calibration with BLTouch.
It print on 3D print LCD infos, use 3D printer beeper
- it is compatible with Marlin and GRBL firmwares
- it do not only support 3D printers but have 3 different (but pretty the same) layouts for 3D Printer, CNC Router, Laser cutting machines. In future I want add Foam cutter machines and Plasma cutter machines... for plasma to be evalutated from users
- it support realtime log over USB but even over WiFi, so the remote server while work send a detailed log to the app (line by line of gcode file) on what it send to a machine over USB and on what the machine send as response
- other interesting features that I cannot explain here

How did you do the MJPEG video stream?
I too want to not use the browser. On older Android tablets/ phones it is not really usable.
I have been playing with my project on and off for about a year, for me its just for fun as i am retired.


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For me it is working fine, I use ESP32CAM and a WebView on B4A side, just I point IP address and it show the exposed page, nothing of special, like a normal web page url. Note that exposed page do not only have a stream, it is a full webpage, here there are a lots of sliders and checkboxes to change camera settings, resolution, etc... and a button to start the stream. I had some problems to show the video but after I managed to install/reinstall web engine from Google Play it worked.

I want to do the same with Raspberry camera but I need to write a Python script that stream MJPEG, not simple, need to search on the web, or maybe use B4J but not sure if there is a RPI camera library for it
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