Is background monitoring of sensors possible?


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Okay, I have the right forum this time so here goes....

I see you can make services that run in the background, I wonder is it possible to check the sensors that detect movement while running in the background?

Specifically I want to be able to write an app that will run in the background and if no movement has been detected for say an hour or two to send an sms alerting someone of this. But I'm not so sure this is possible with Basic4Android?



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Specifically I want to be able to write an app that will run in the background and if no movement has been detected for say an hour or two to send an sms alerting someone of this. But I'm not so sure this is possible with Basic4Android?
This is possible. All you need to do is start a service and listen for sensor events in this service.
You should call Service.StartForeground to make sure that the OS doesn't kill your application.
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