Is basic4android can communicate with HID USB Device?


New Member
Is any body know if is it possible with the basic4android to open USB HID port
then Read and write from the device? I know that Samsung phone Galaxy S2 has USB host...


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There is no USB host access in the android APIs up to and including 3.0 so you cannot talk to an HID device.

Android 3.1 does have USB host and slave access APIs but only a few tablets are available with this at the moment. When (if? - see rant below!) I get 3.1 on my Motorola Xoom I will look at this, although I think Basic4android may need an update to compile with SDKs later than 2.2.

I do have a Motorola Xoom but those of us not in the US are being treated as very much second class citizens by Google and Motorola. We were led to believe that the Xoom was a Google Experience Device and would be plain Honeycomb with updates direct from Google. For non-US devices it now transpires that this is not the case so while the US has 3.1 we only have 3.0.1 and are having to wait for Motorola to tamper with 3.1 before releasing it. What is worse is that the Asus Transformer is available here with 3.1 already available. This is an active issue on the Motorola non-US forums and a lot of Xoom owners here are really pissed off and are returning their device if they can. Motorola already had a bad reputation for support over here and has further screwed itself over this issue!
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B4X founder
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although I think Basic4android may need an update to compile with SDKs later than 2.2
This is not a real issue. The file structure of later SDKs have changed. The next version of Basic4android will cope with this change. For now you can use a later SDK, but you will need to copy some files to a different folder.
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Android 3.0 and later is TABLET oriented, not "regular" phones...there will be some (a lot) of API's and features specific to the tablet platform, that an Android phone will not be able to use...such as the USB port that started this thread
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