Thanks for the quick reply Erel.
I could definitely do what you suggest. But I think the solutions still require me to intervene whenever a new database is required by a client. If I understand your reply correctly, option 1 would require my clients to have some technical ability (unless I do it myself), and option 2 would require anyone that installed the app to do some configuration.
What I am trying to achieve is to give my customers the ability to create their own packages themselves. The only difference between my original APK and the one they will generate would be the db file.
My clients are not technical people - I would like to provide them with a very simple desktop interface that allows them to easily include their own db file, and repackage the APK, thereby protecting them from command lines and configurations.
Once my customers generate their own APK, they will upload it to the store so their own clients would be able to download and install it on their devices. I suppose the process could almost be viewed as a pseudo app development process, where my customers produce a distributable APK for their own clients (hope this makes sense).
Any advice is very much appreciated.