have something simple to play with
Use the sample projects in the ABM download ( ABM - Feedback, Demo, Template, Help, etc. ). That is how I started to learn.
Granted - ABM is different, but once you grasp the basics - you will be a pro in less time.
Also, Use the tutorials (and questions and answers) posted by many.
Essentially, you will need to grasp these:
1) Main Module. AppStart ( init your pages, add to app and start the server (which port to use?)
2) ABMApplication. ( this is basically setup, but you can modify later if the need arises ie. login)
3) ABMShared (code) module. (build your menu (links to pages) and helper methods)
4) ABMPage class(es). This is your GUI into your app. One to many pages as you like...
Note the required methods of each page.
Understand the grid system (12 cells). This is used in every BuildPage.
Understand BuildPage
Understand ConnectPage
Know how to build and call modal sheets.
Know how to use ABMTables (for listed records in a table grid).
The rest of the page contents are methods you create to react to (click) events.
Of course there is more... but the rest comes easy when you understand the basics.