B4J Question Is there a thread that compares standard html components to alternatives in the AbMaterial Framework


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A lot of this is overwhelming. Is there a reference page that compares standard components to Abmaterial alternatives?

For example, something that shows us a standard text box or text area or label or combobox, alongside the definitions for some of the Abmaterial replacements?

I know it’s lazy, but I’d prefer have something simple to play with and figure out partly by trial and error; rather than trying to understand the entire framework before doing anything.

Am I thinking about this the wrong way, or misunderstanding the intent of AbMaterial?


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"Well, you need to consider that ABMATERIAL is a huge project, what AB gives us is only the visible part of that huge iceberg. He also has a day job..."

Ok. I'm just praising Harris, not complaining about Alain or anyone else.

Along with thanking Harris, there's also an important point that your approach of working with simple code, and going through the demos, doesn't necessarily work for everyone. Sometimes it's the only route we have available, but not in this case.

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