Is there a way to take advantage of a Listener on a View while moving another View


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I want to make a matching game, where the user slides one View onto other Views. If 2 Views touch, then a check to see if they match occurs, if so, then both disappear, if not, first view goes back to where it started. (Views will be distributed around the screen in a semi-random pattern)

I realize I can loop thru on each Move event in a set_on_listener, comparing X/Y of moving object to X/Y's of other views, but maybe there is something already built in that can tell how far a touch event is from a view, and then trigger that event when it gets close enough? If so, then as it is already being monitored, I don't want to add the overhead of looping, as it already is being done...

Is this happening? If not, then looping it is.

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