Android Question Is there an Event Calendar library?


Hi All,

I am new to B4X. In fact, after switching professions long time ago, I am back to coding after about 15 years.

On my voyage of discovery, I was flabbergasted to discover that, gone are the days where you develop a prototype GUI for a potential customer in 30-45 mins -whilst he is chatting with the marketing guys over a coffee-, with IDEs like VB5/6 (or even Java Swing on Netbeans).
I find most contemporary platforms boasting fast app development take you back to the stone-age where you have to write hundreds of lines of code just to come up with the simplest mock GUI. One example is Flutter 2.2 (with all due respect to its developers and fans) which boasts "Use a rich set of fully-customizable widgets to build beautiful native interfaces in minutes". When inquired; to the nice people in those communities, drag-n-drop UI building is a concept from another planet, like.

I cannot recall how i stumbled upon B4X, but at the very outset, given the above backdrop, It is an oasis in Sahara.

Now, my immediate assignment is to develop a cross-platform application of which, a part is an event calendar. I managed to run the code found in on a library called Calendar2, but it gives a weird output; on a Samsung A20S (with Android 10),

an Asus FonePad K019 (on Android 4.4.2) and on the Emulator ( Pixel_3_XL_API_22 ) pic shown in the attachment.

What am I missing? Is there any other Calendar object which has a more native look?

Thank you in advance for your kind advice.



Licensed User
Longtime User
Why do you make a duplicate Post?
Probably because he's a "New member" not licensed, so their post must be approved. Maybe he didn't see the post he made (waiting for approval) and he made another one. Just guessing

my immediate assignment is to develop a cross-platform application of which, a part is an event calendar.
So, you have to start to deal with B4XPages, this way your app will be crossplatform with few effort.
This booklet from Klaus should be your starting point:

For the calendar part, you should take a look to some new approach:

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Dear DonManfred,

Thank you for your response to this post and for reading my earlier post.

In fact, I made my original post in the first place because I needed some advice to a question I had.

Since I felt that, from last Saturday to date (four days), for a question from a novice to be unanswered in a forum is not the norm today, my impression was that; my post has inadvertently got landed in some 'Black Hole' where no one had seen it.

Thus, my second 'duplicate' post.

However, despite the fact that your reply does neither answer my original nor duplicate question, I do thank you for taking the trouble respond to me.

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Dear José J. Aguilar,

Thank you very much for your kind reply and advice.

So, you have to start to deal with B4XPages, this way your app will be crossplatform with few effort.
This booklet from Klaus should be your starting point:

For the calendar part, you should take a look to some new approach:


I shall follow your leads and attempt to solve my problem through B4X, which I have taken a liking to very much!

Thanks again with best regards,
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Peter Simpson

Licensed User
Longtime User
Here you go @ViKARLL and welcome to the forum

That was a long time not to receive an answer, especially on this forum where sometimes questions are answered within minutes and not even hours...
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Licensed User
Longtime User
from last Saturday to date (four days)
As Peter says, messages are usually answered in a few hours.
As I wrote, the messages from non licensed users are moderated, and they are not showed until Erel approve them.
Probably Erel could not approve it on weekend.
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As Peter says, messages are usually answered in a few hours.
As I wrote, the messages from non licensed users are moderated, and they are not showed until Erel approve them.
Probably Erel could not approve it on weekend.

Well, the moment I posted my question, a yellow band at the top did give a message to the effect "This message is awaiting moderator approval, and is invisible to normal visitors".

But that notification disappeared within about three hours and I reckoned it must have been approved by a Moderator for public display.

No issue anyways since your very first answer itself has cleared the path for me now!

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Licensed User
Longtime User
How come i could see the other Thread already?
Hi DonManfred. As I said, I'm just guessing. Maybe Erel approved both messages at same time, or maybe he approved one the opp didn"t saw and write a second one
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