Hello guys, how are you?
I need send a simple form on a server, i have found this code in a sample proj.. but something not work very well.
on the server arrive a request but without any params/forms/queries
something escape away from me ?
any idea?
I need send a simple form on a server, i have found this code in a sample proj.. but something not work very well.
on the server arrive a request but without any params/forms/queries
something escape away from me ?
any idea?
Dim post As Map = CreateMap("u": $"${dData.ServerUserName}"$, "p": $"${dData.ServerPassword}"$, "cmd" : "get")
Dim JSONGenerator As JSONGenerator
Dim Job As HttpJob
Job.Initialize("Tablet", Me)
Job.Username = "tdl-App"
Job.PostString(dData.Server & "/request/tdl.ashx", su.EncodeUrl(JSONGenerator.ToString, "UTF8"))
Wait For (Job) JobDone(Job As HttpJob)
If Job.Success Then
end if