Are you looking at the chanell logo or at the man talking?
Both. CNN is incredibly biased and will put their own spin on the news to serve their owner's purpose.
BTW, do you know how many investigative reporters CNN has worldwide? Take a wild guess.
Ok, what's your guess. I'm waiting.
If you guessed zero, then you'd be correct. CNN fired all of their investigative reporters a few years ago. The currently have no investigative reporters. They are now in the entertainment business. How do they get the "news"? Well they get it from AP or Reuters just like everyone else. Is AP & Reuters an unbiased news agency? To answer that question you need to ask yourself who owns them. Answer: Currently the Thompson family but it used to be Rothschild. Rothschild had a $100,000 plate dinner for Hillary Clinton's campaign. They support Hillary big time. That's why they spend a lot of time dumping on Trump instead of Hillary.
Have you ever asked yourself why there are only 6 corporations providing 90% of the news in America? Well because Bill Clinton deregulated the news media when he was President. In the 1980 the U.S. had around 54 independent news agencies. But now there are only 6 and soon to be 5. A small number of people now control virtually all the news in America and have made the owners billionaires. Could that be why AP and Reuters never looked into the content of Hillary emails? Ooooow!
Is CNN biased? Say it ain't so. Let's look at the facts. Who owns CNN. Well they are owned by Time Warner. Time Warner was one of the largest contributors to Hillary Clinton's campaign. Oops! I guess that's why no one at CNN ever came out against Hillary Clinton.
You see Beja, it is very difficult for a reporter or news anchor to tell the truth when their job is depending on that they don't.
So why haven't you answered my previous questions?
"If it is Russia and its probably not, nobody knows who it is, but if it is Russia it's bad for a different reason. It shows how little respect they have for <audio loss> country they would hack into a major party and get everything. But it would be interesting to see, I will tell you this, Russia if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. I think you will probably be rewarded <transmission lost>."
Again, how does this prove Russia hacked into Hillary Clinton's private email server?
How does this prove Trump told Russia to hack into Hillary's email server?
Why should Trump be investigated for Hillary's email hack?
Can you answer any of these questions? Or do you need to consult with CNN some more?