I am planning to setup an AWS EC2 instance.
To install Java 11 on the linux EC2 instance, I assume I can just copy the 'bin' folder from the Java 11 download (OpenJDK 11 + OpenJFX 11 (SDK + jmods) -
https://b4xfiles-4c17.kxcdn.com/b4j/linux_jdk-11.0.1.zip) onto the EC2 instance and it will be installed?
I then need to point to the Java directory when I run the jar file, or is this file only for development machines and I need to use a different file to install on the EC2 instance ?
If this is the correct file, will this file also work on Arm processors or does it need to be a different version I need to use, or will this work on any linux type machines ?