Bug? java.exe, javac.exe and jarsigner.exe crashing intermittenly


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Longtime User
For the last few weeks, I am starting to get random crashes for these files during the compile phase:


If I rerun compile operation again, it will typically work. But this is happening like 1 out of every 4-5 times I do a compile operation.

What could be causing this?

(B4A v3.82 + Win7 Ultimate/64 bit - all updates.)



Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi Erel,

When you say "latest version", are you talking about Java SE 7 u67, or Java SE 8 u20?

I ask because even the latest beginners guide still only talks about Java SE 7 and not v8.

Also, the beginners guide says:

- Select "Windows x86" in the platforms list (for 64 bit machines as well).
Android SDK doesn't work with Java 64bit JDK.
You should install the regular JDK for 64-bit computers as well.

So, if I have a 64-bit OS, I should install BOTH the X86 AND x64?



Licensed User
Longtime User
So are you saying that only the "install" phase of the android SDK can cause problems if ONLY the x64 of Java is installed on the PC. Meaning that the x86 version of JAVA is ONLY needed to "install" the android SDK, but that I can uninstall the x86 version of Java AFTER the Android SDK is installed successfully?

If so, then since the android SDK is already installed ok on my PC, then it should be safe to uninstall the x86 of Java 7 and install just the x64 of Java 8, right?


Licensed User
Longtime User
Great - Thanks!
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