I have installed the latest Raspbian on my raspberry PI 2 via the NOOBS OS installer v 1.7.0
I have some problems with the installation part of java:
In Erel's tutoral is written :
"If you want to run UI applications then you need to install Java 8: https://jdk8.java.net/download.html
You need to download Linux ARMv6/7 VFP, HardFP ABI."
I can't get javafx to run with B4J. I get netx error when trying to debug B4J GUI application :
Error: JavaFX runtime components are missing, and are required to run this application
my questions :
a) Do I still need to install Java 8 JDK ,because per default java 1.8.0_65 JRE is installed in this version of Raspbian .
c) Can I have an updated easy to follow instruction how to get and install JavaFX ? It seems that the Linux ARMv6/7 VFP, HardFP AB trickk in the tutorial doesn't work.