B4J Library jCoverFlow library v1.70


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Hi jdiperla, I update the JCoverFlow v1.2.

SetCacheFolder(dir As String, cache As String)

Now you decide, in which folder you want to create the cache, and the name of the folder you want to give to the cache.

When the coverflow builds the cache, the size is reduced mean (700 MB) in just (16 MB) with excellent quality, minor bug fixed.
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Hi lonleystar,
first of all: Great work!

It would be very nice, if we can set the Picture-Folder (not only the Cache-Folder) by code, ist this possible?


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hi jurgen, what do u mean about Picture-Folder an example pleas.

Are U From Germany? if yes u can write also in Deutsch.

I guess
like this would be nice to set the folder that you want to open

Dim files as jcovershowfolder
files.show("C:\temp", *.jpg")

without having to navigate to the folder with file open select folder

vielen dank und gruss aus Canada


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Hallo lonleystar,

ich möchte den Ordner mit den Bildern im Code auch direkt setzen können, wie in CoverFlow-B4A: "PopulateCoverflow (dir As String, path As String)"

Grüße aus Norddeutschland


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Hi Jurgen, Alienhunter and All, jCoverFlow is updated to v1.3.

Hallo Jurgen, Alienhunter und euch alle, jCoverflow ist aktualisiert zu v1.3.

What's new:

CoverFlow.ShowFromDirectoryChooser("Choose a directory with images") instead PopulateCoverFlow

CoverFlow.ShowFromFolder("C:/Images",".jpg") as requested by Alienhunter. Post #25

CoverFlow.ShowFromFolder2("C:/","Images") as requested by Jurgen_pool. Post #27

Grüße aus Süddeutschland.


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Hallo lonleystar,

funktioniert bei mir leider nicht. Kannst Du uns ein lauffähiges Beispielprojekt für die aktuelle Lib zur Verfügung stellen?
(Sorry, dosn't work for me. Can we have a working example for the Library 1.3?)

Grüße / Greatings


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hi jurge, i just test it now and work fine.

the way is this:

CoverFlow.ShowFromFolder2("C:\\","Images") as u ask.

CoverFlow.ShowFromFolder("C:\\Images",".png") as alienhunter ask, it´ll populate the gallery with just png or etc.etc.

CoverFlow.ShowFromDirectoryChooser("Choose a directory with images") this instead CoverFlow.PopulateCoverFlow("Choose a directory with images")

CoverFlow.SetCacheFolder("C:\\","JCoverFlow/data/cache/thumb") this is used to store the thumbnails as cache, not to choosen it as image folder, it is just for cache.

that´s all.

I upload the jCoverFlow v1.4 whit Demo, fixed minor bug.


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Hi guys, I am pleased to introduce JCoverflow 1.0 for B4J.

Hi Giuseppe,
Mmmm nice girlfriends and appartment guy, but you brings them only in zoo
Opppppsssss don't show this message to your regular

Ok, nice job, like always, thanks for share your work.



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Complimenti per la libreria che ho già avuto modo di apprezzare già su B4A.
Esiste una versione per le Web Apps ?


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Hi Giuseppe,

as i said before, very nice. But know i need some Action when i select/click the picture in the middle. How can i do this?

Hallo Giuseppe,

gut gemacht! Nun möchte ich eine Aktion auslösen, wenn ich das Bild in der Mitte anklicke. Wie kann ich das tun?




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Hi Juergen, I'll work on it I've little bit time now.

Thanks for the idea.
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