Hi All,
I am using jGoogleMAps to get the Lat Long position of properties with the street address.
This works well but there is a slight delay while Google finds the property and returns the LatLong which is fine for a stand alone app.
I have used the same code in a separate Code Module that can be accessed from other modules in my program. My problem is that due to the Google delay the Code Module returns back to the calling module before the LatLong is obtained.
How can I delay the return from the code module until the LatLong is received or maybe use something like jRandomAccessFile to collect the LatLong and advise when recieved?
Hope this is somewhat clear.
I am using jGoogleMAps to get the Lat Long position of properties with the street address.
This works well but there is a slight delay while Google finds the property and returns the LatLong which is fine for a stand alone app.
I have used the same code in a separate Code Module that can be accessed from other modules in my program. My problem is that due to the Google delay the Code Module returns back to the calling module before the LatLong is obtained.
How can I delay the return from the code module until the LatLong is received or maybe use something like jRandomAccessFile to collect the LatLong and advise when recieved?
'Get the address Geo-Code for Google Maps
'Requires Street No as string, Street Name as string, Suburb as string, State as string - returns Lat/Long as string
Sub getGeoCode(streetno As String, street As String, suburb As String, state As String) As String
' https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/xml?address=1600+Amphitheatre+Parkway,+Mountain+View,+CA&key=YOUR_API_KEY
Dim Googlekey As String = "AIzaxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxCE" '(my) google api key
Dim job As HttpJob
Dim poststring As String
' poststring = "address=1+Short+Street+South,+Sydney,+NSW&Key=" &Googlekey
street = street.Replace(",","+")
street = street.Replace(" ","+")
suburb = suburb.Replace(" ","+")
' build string from input text fields. Trim to get rid of crap
poststring = "address="&streetno.Trim&"+"&street.Trim&",+"&suburb&",+"&state&"&Key="
poststring = poststring & Googlekey
job.PostString("https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/xml?" & poststring, "")
' maybe loop until latlong is returned with a value - this is a time delay
Return latlong
End Sub
Sub jobDone(job As HttpJob)
Dim in As InputStream
in = job.GetInputStream
LogDebug("in = "&in&" Lat = "&lat&" Long = "&lng)
' lblLat.Text = lat
' lblLng.Text = lng
' gmap.AddMarker(lat,lng,"1 Short St")
' gmap.MapType = gmap.MAP_TYPE_NORMAL
' Dim cp As CameraPosition
' cp.Initialize(lat, lng, 12) 'lat, long, zoom level
' gmap.MoveCamera(cp)
' 'LogDebug("After Parser")
If job.Success Then
Select job.JobName
Case "LatLong"
Main.latlong = lat & "," & lng
LogDebug("job.getstring = "&Main.latlong)
' txtReply.Text = job.GetString
latlong = lat & "," & lng
' break the string apart and get the lat/longs.....
LogDebug($"No Results"$)
Case Else
LogDebug($"No Results"$)
End Select
End If
End Sub
Sub parser_StartElement(Uri As String, Name As String, Attributes As Attributes ) 'Text As String
'LogDebug("parser begin")
If Name = "location" Then
'LogDebug("Location at start")
End If
End Sub
Sub parser_EndElement(Uri As String, Name As String, Text As StringBuilder)
If parser.Parents.IndexOf("location") > -1 Then
If Name = "lat" Then
lat = Text.ToString
End If
If Name = "lng" Then
lng = Text.ToString
End If
LogDebug("Location at end")
End If
'LogDebug("parser end")
End Sub
Hope this is somewhat clear.