Only @agraham can answer this question.Initialize takes a file and DecodeThumbnail takes Byte array. Why is it so? AssetsDir/pet2.png (No such file or directory)
Post #1 of this thread!!! Look inside the the jar and xml are there.Sorry open this old topic... but... I search in all page and not found the library file download link...
Post #1 of this thread!!! Look inside the the jar and xml are there.
Sorry, I found now... I unzip in one folder and not see the jar/xml.. sorry again...
Did you ever get it sorted, or gave up? (Now I realise why I so often see positions in EXIF botched up!)Thank you, but i need the value in grades ( fox example 38,5448521455895), how i can convert it? another question whit exif i tried to set the lat lon coordinates in a pic, but it don't works
whitout a clear example is very hard for me to undestand, cause i'm not a expertthenk you