This library contains an ExifData object that allows you to read and write the EXIF data in a Jpeg file. It is a very thin wrapper over the Android ExifInterface class.
Hi @agraham - in doing some testing with an existing app running on an Android N device, I'm finding that calling the .Initialize method is causing the following error: AssetsDir/pet2.png (No such file or directory)
It doesn't happen on previous versions of Android & it doesn't happen if I just initialize & display a bitmap without trying to use your library. Looking at the Android Developer documentation for ExifInterface, I notice there have been some changes for Android N so I'm wondering if maybe they have changed something in the constructor you use in the library?
UPDATE: I don't think it's an issue with the constructor because if I copy the file to Files.DirInternal, then call the exif functions it works fine. It seems to be something that the library (or the API) doesn't like about the Files.DirAssets directory all of a sudden.
Thank you, but i need the value in grades ( fox example 38,5448521455895), how i can convert it? another question whit exif i tried to set the lat lon coordinates in a pic, but it don't works
whitout a clear example is very hard for me to undestand, cause i'm not a expert thenk you