B4J Tutorial jRDC2 - B4J implementation of RDC using JDBC microsoft

I used the example that Erel published to create my application and connect it to a server database microsft sql server 2008, in principle I used the odbc open source of JTDS but I had the problem that it only reads the first instance installed on the server, being a problem because I have more than one instance, and only read the first intancia that has been installed. later I found the odbc of microsoft and this worked me without problem

Here is the configuration on my server
#Lines starting with '#' are comments.
#Backslash character at the end of line means that the command continues in the next line.

#Java server port

#example of MS SQL Server configuration:
JdbcUrl=jdbc:sqlserver://<ipaddress;databaseName=<database name>;instanceName=<instance name>

#example of postegres configuration:


sql.get_all_articulos=SELECT ncia,id_articulo,art_descripcion FROM android_articulos
sql.get_disponible=select * from android_disponible
sql.get_traspasos_entrada=select * from android_traspasosEntrada where id_suc_dest=1

and the additional jar that must be placed in the application that already perfectly explains EREL
' depends on your version of sql server
P.S. check what version of sql server you will need to download the correct odbc