I am slowly wading my way toward setting up a remote database.
The primary reference for JDRC2:
shows the development of the 'middle ware' server to handle DB requests.
I have built that and created the .jar file with my 'config.properties' file as appropriate. I do have one question below.
I do not have 'mysql' on my pc and instead of trying to figure it out, I thought to set up my config.properties to access the DB on 1&1 Ionos. After that failed I found a comment on Ionos-help that said that their databases can only be accessed from their website, which is Erel's point about not accessing remote databases with sql commands.
I asked ionos-phone-help how to start this server and they didn't have a clue. They did confirm that java is available on their/my website.
I found a reference here that explains how to start the server:
It includes the instruction: nohup path_to_java/bin/java -jar somejar.jar > nohup.out &
but I need some help with:
1. Where do I run it from? My Pc in DOS mode?
2. Can someone translate it into my data:
a. the jar is in 'https://ratemyshows.net/FS'
b. Would it be 'nohup https://ratemyshows.net/FS -jar jrdc.jar > nohup.out &
3. The question about the config.properties
a. Ionos says my database is on port 3306, is this the port I should use in both the b4j rdc2 config as well as the b4a program in the lines:
Config: ServerPort=3306
B4A Private const rdcLink As String = "https://ratemyshows.net/FS:3306/rdc"
b. or should I leave it at 'ServerPort=17178' as shown in the JRDC2 forum entry.
Thanks, Cliff McKibbin
The primary reference for JDRC2:
[B4X] jRDC2 - B4J implementation of RDC (Remote Database Connector)
RDC is a middleware server that makes it simple to safely connect clients and remote SQL database servers. jRDC2 is the latest version. All new projects should use this version. jRDC2 is made of two components: - B4J server. The server receives the requests from the clients, issues the SQL...

shows the development of the 'middle ware' server to handle DB requests.
I have built that and created the .jar file with my 'config.properties' file as appropriate. I do have one question below.
I do not have 'mysql' on my pc and instead of trying to figure it out, I thought to set up my config.properties to access the DB on 1&1 Ionos. After that failed I found a comment on Ionos-help that said that their databases can only be accessed from their website, which is Erel's point about not accessing remote databases with sql commands.
I asked ionos-phone-help how to start this server and they didn't have a clue. They did confirm that java is available on their/my website.
I found a reference here that explains how to start the server:
[server] Run a Server on a VPS
The steps required to run a B4J server on a hosted server (such as a VPS) are: 1. Download Java: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4jpackager11-the-simplest-way-to-distribute-ui-apps.99835/#content If you are not familiar with Linux then download it to your development computer, unzip...

It includes the instruction: nohup path_to_java/bin/java -jar somejar.jar > nohup.out &
but I need some help with:
1. Where do I run it from? My Pc in DOS mode?
2. Can someone translate it into my data:
a. the jar is in 'https://ratemyshows.net/FS'
b. Would it be 'nohup https://ratemyshows.net/FS -jar jrdc.jar > nohup.out &
3. The question about the config.properties
a. Ionos says my database is on port 3306, is this the port I should use in both the b4j rdc2 config as well as the b4a program in the lines:
Config: ServerPort=3306
B4A Private const rdcLink As String = "https://ratemyshows.net/FS:3306/rdc"
b. or should I leave it at 'ServerPort=17178' as shown in the JRDC2 forum entry.
Thanks, Cliff McKibbin