B4J Library jRLDialogsX - Dialogs Library

jRLDialogsX is an open source B4J Dialogs Library providing a comprehensive set of Dialogs.
The library is coded as a B4J Class with Inline Java, no additional libraries or wrappers required.
Note: Requirements minimum B4J v5.80 and Java JDK v8 (8u40+).

Version: 1.88 - Attached the B4J library, source code, full example.

How to Use
  • Copy jrldialogsx.jar, jrldialogsxfiles.jar and xml to the B4J additional library folder.
  • In the B4J project, select jrldialogsx from the B4J IDE Libs tab.
  • See folder Examples - the fullexample is a must read, get started with the InformationDialog.
Version Control
20221122 (v1.88) NEW: Set button CSS style; AlertSelectionDialog (buttons selection); CustomAlert (hightly configurable dialog) (See Post #91)
20190407 (v1.87) NEW: SimpleFormDialog - DatePicker via option "D"; YesNoCancel dialog - if Cancel text is empty, the cancel button is not created;NEW: ListDialog, ListDialog2 - if DefaultItem = -1 then no item selected;UPD: Documentation & Examples; Published on GitHub
20180326 (v1.86) NEW: ListFindDialog Set or get content of textfield FindItem
20180312 (v1.85) NEW: DidYouKnow2 dialog with prev / next tip buttons; ExtendedDialog Show or hide the less details hyperlink button; UPD: ListFindDialog search field across dialog window, moved buttons OK & cancel down; UPD: Documentation & Examples. See Post #73
20171025 (v1.80) NEW: jRLDialogsXFiles.jar holding additional files from the library Files folder. This file must be located in the B4J Additional Libraries folder.; NEW: ListFindDialog with a find item option - first non Inline Java Dialog (requires jRLDialogsXFiles.jar); UPD: Icons (for dialogs DidYouKnow and LoginDialog2) are included in jRLDialogsXFiles.jar; UPD: LoginDialog and Login2Dialog2 with textfield horizontal grow option; UPD: Documentation & Examples. See Post #60
20170906 (v1.77) UPD: SimpleformDialog set request focus on first field; UPD: Minor changes
20170822 (v1.76) NEW: Library renamed from jRLDialogs8 to jRLDialogsX; UPD: Minor changes
20170802 (v1.75) NEW: PDF Documentation
20170711 (v1.74) NEW: SimpleFormDialog ComboBox Field with field value comma separated string, SimpleFormDialog Property ComboBox editable; UPD: Examples. See Post #60
20170703 (v1.72) NEW:ToastMessageAlert Information,Warning,Error; MessageHTMLDialog3 with OK/Cancel, MessageHTML show/hide details button; UPD: Examples. See Post #58
20170626 (v1.68) NEW:MessageDialog set wrap;SimpleFormDialog set inputfield width;MessageHTMLDialog2;Overview;UPD:Examples. See Post #56
20170620 (v1.65) NEW:Localization Show Details Hyperlink Button for Dialogs Extended, Message, MessageHTML; NEW: Extended Dialog option Message & MessageHTML Dialogs;UPD: Examples. See Post #55
20170612 (v1.62) NEW:SliderDialog; NEW:SimpleFormDialog CheckBox Field; NEW: Extended Dialog option show content expanded; NEW: DoNotAskAgainDialog; UPD: Fields padding removed; UPD: Examples. See Post #53.
20170601 (v1.59) NEW:SimpleFormDialog TextArea Field, option to split form fields; FIX: ConfirmDialog; UPD: Examples. See Post #50.
20170531 (v1.58) NEW:ToastMessage set background and border line color; UPD: Examples. See Post #49.
20170530 (v1.57) NEW:ColorNameDialog and ColorPickerDialog to get Color as Paint; NEW:ToastMessage set font size and border width; UPD:Toastmessage using default colors; UPD:Examples. See Post #47.
20170528 (v1.56) NEW:SimpleFormDialog (create n label:field pairs; field=Text or Password or Numeric); MultiInputFieldDialog (create n label:textfield pairs); IntegerInputDialog; Full Example reworked. See Post #46.
20170525 (v1.53) NEW:TimePicker (24h), TimePicker (12h), TextInputDialog4 (with option to set the width of the textfield, no label used); More examples. See Post #44.
20170522 (v1.50) NEW:String localisation Username Label/Prompt, Password Label/Prompt, OK/Cancel Button, YES/NO Button, Login Button, Select Button. See Post #42.
20160801 (v1.47) UPD:Set default selected item for ChoiceDialog, SelectDialog, ListDialog, and ListDialog2; Example 1 converted to B4J Visual Designer.
20160411 (v1.46) UPD:MessageHTMLDialog handles anchors if defined like href="#myanchor" ... name="myanchor" ...
20151011 (v1.45) UPD:Textfield gets initial focus when openeing dialog TextInputDialog, TextInputDialog2, TextInputDialog3, LoginDialog, LoginDialog2, TextAreaDialog
20150910 (v1.40) NEW:SetParentWindow; FIX: ToastMessage center screen
20150828 (v1.30) NEW:ToastMessage
20150604 (v1.20 )NEW:TextAreaDialog
20150617 (v1.11) UPD:TextInputDialog3 added hint for checking null
20150512 (v1.10) NEW:TextInputDialog3
20150406 (v1.00) NEW:SpinnerIntegerDialog, SpinnerDoubleDialog, SpinnerListDialog
20150405 (v0.90) NEW:TextInputDialog2, DatePickerDialog
20150404 (v0.80) NEW:SelectDialog; FIX: ListDialog, ListDialog2 removed expand option
20150403 (v0.70) NEW:ListDialog, ListDialog2
20150402 (v0.60) NEW:LoginDialog2, DidYouKnowDialog, ExceptionDialog, Message, MessageHTMLDialog
20150401 (v0.50) NEW:ExtendedDialog, LoginDialog
20150331 (v0.40) NEW:YesNoCancelDialog
20150330 (v0.10) NEW:First Version

Simple Example Information Dialog with localized OK Button Text
Sub Process_Globals
  'Define the dialog using jrldialogsX
  Private Dlg As DialogsX
End Sub
Sub AppStart (Form1 As Form, Args() As String)
  'Init the dialog
  'Localize (optional)
  Dlg.OKButtonText = "Thank You"
  'Use the dialog to show Information Dialog
  Dlg.InformationDialog("About", "jRLDialogX Information Dialog Example", "Hello World")
End Sub


  • jRLDialogsX-188.zip
    137.2 KB · Views: 337
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Update 20150401 - Post #1 lists all the methods.
NEW: YesNoCanceldialog
NEW: Extendeddialog
NEW: Logindialog


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Update 20150402 - Post #1 lists all the methods.
NEW: LoginDialog2
NEW: DidYouKnowDialog
NEW: ExceptionDialog
NEW: MessageDialog
NEW: MessageHTMLDialog


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Update 20150404 - Post #1 lists all the methods.
NEW: SelectDialog
FIX: ListDialog, ListDialog2 removed expand option


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Update 20150405 - Post #1 lists all the methods.
NEW: TextInputDialog2
NEW: DatePickerDialog
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Update 20150406 - Post #1 lists all the methods.


Active Member
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That looks very nice but I got the following error during compilation:

B4J version 2.80
Parsing code. 0.10
Compiling code. 0.22
Compiling debugger engine code. 4.31
Compiling generated Java code. Error
javac 1.8.0_25
src\b4j\example\dialogs8.java:13: error: package javafx.scene.control.Alert does not exist
import javafx.scene.control.Alert.AlertType;
Note: src\b4j\example\dialogs8.java uses unchecked or unsafe operations.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
1 error
Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Xms256m -Xmx512m

Any idea what's wrong here ?
Thanks in advance,


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Hi Chris,

thanks for testing.

To compile this library you need at least Java 1.8.0_40 version as mentioned in the thread.
Your version is 1.8.0_25 as shown in the error message. Pls check again after upgrading.

Good Luck
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Well-Known Member
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Hi rwblinn,

a small wish for the TextInputDialog:

If I close the dialog (via 'X') or I press Cancel, the dialog always returns a blank string "".
So I can't make out, if the user aborted the input or really entered 'nothing'.

Is it possible to return 'Null' if the user used Cancel or the close function (via 'X')?
I want to show an error message only when the user really enters 'nothing' and not wehan he aborted the input.

Maybe you can add a TextInputDialog3 or something like that so the current users of this great lib don't have to change anything in their current programs.

Thanks in advance,


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Hi specci48,

thanks for your request and the flowers :).
Pls find update of the library in Post #1. Let me know if this suits your requirement.
Created using B4J 3.0 beta 5.


Well-Known Member
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Hi rwblinn,

sorry for the delay of my answer.
TextInputDialog3 works really fine for me. :cool:
Thank you very much.

Some small hint to all who want to use this:
Dim a As String = Null
If a = Null Then
    Log("This doesn't work...")
End If
If a.EqualsIgnoreCase(Null) Then
    Log("This works fine!")
End If
So you have to use EqualsIgnoreCase instead of = to test for the result of the dialog.



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this library makes use of the standard JavaFX dialogs Alert etc.. I have not found a way (yet) to change the standard bordercolors of these dialogs.

Thanks for bringing up.

Douglas Farias

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hace a chance to add on this lib the toastmsgshow like android?
show only a pop up mensage for x seconds and close automatic.

i dont know if this exist native.


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Update 20150828 - Post #1 lists all the methods.
NEW: ToastMessageDialog

Usage - The message can contain HTML Tags (but is optional).
Sub Process_Globals
    Private Dlg As Dialogs8
End Sub

Sub AppStart (Form1 As Form, Args() As String)
    MainForm = Form1
    Dlg.ToastMessage("<html><h1>Welcome</h1>Many Thanks for using jRLDialogs8</html>", 3000)
End Sub


Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi rwblinn,

Thank you for this amazing library!

Is it possible to set and/or add the parent form or the dialog's X and Y location? I have three monitors. I run the main form on the 2nd monitor but the dialogs appear on the 1st or main screen. Is there a workaround for this?

Thank you in advance.