I wrote a decoder for a JSON block returned by call through HTTPUtils2 to a Datasnap server. I would appreciate any comments concerning corrections/improvements to this code.
I am especially interested in comments about where to place this code, ie, should it ideally go in a service module, I suppose? And how to make it more universal.
All comments welcome and appreciated.
I am especially interested in comments about where to place this code, ie, should it ideally go in a service module, I suppose? And how to make it more universal.
All comments welcome and appreciated.
Sub JobDone(Job As HttpJob)
Dim JSONJobProc As JSONParser
Dim MAPTbl As Map
Dim m As Map 'helper map for navigating
Dim l As List 'helper list
Dim ListTable As List
Dim ListColumnList As List
Dim ListTableRows As List
Dim strCSV As String
Dim ListColumnArray(100) As List
'decode job to process
Select Job.JobName
'retrieve and decode a JSON block generated by Delphi Datasnap Rest server containing table data
'place it in a List with the first row containing column IDs
Case "GetJobs"
'parse down to table columns
sJSONData = Job.GetString
edtResult.Text = Job.GetString
MAPTbl = JSONJobProc.NextObject
ListTable = MAPTbl.Get("result")
'Load table columns and value arrays
For i = 0 To ListTable.Size - 1
'Clear data arrays
For k = 0 To 99
If ListColumnArray(k).IsInitialized Then
End If
m = ListTable.Get(i)
ListColumnList = m.Get("table") 'ListColumnList now holds a list of the columns arrays for each column in the table
'for each column in the table.....
For j = 0 To ListColumnList.Size - 1
l = ListColumnList.Get(j) 'load the column array into a temporary map
'add the column name
ListColumnArray(0).Add(l.get(0)) 'use the map to get the column name
'and store it in array 0; 0 always contains column names
'place column data in the array corresponding to the column name array index + 1
'so first column data always starts in array 2, etc.
ListColumnArray(j+1) = m.Get(l.get(0)) 'load column values array for this column
strCSV = ""
'build column name string and add it
For i = 0 To ListColumnArray(0).Size-1
strCSV = strCSV & ListColumnArray(0).Get(i)
If i < (ListColumnArray(0).Size-1) Then
strCSV = strCSV & ","
End If
'for each row
For j = 0 To ListColumnArray(1).Size-1
strCSV = ""
'for each column
For i = 0 To ListColumnArray(0).Size-1
strCSV = strCSV & ListColumnArray(i+1).Get(j)
If i < (ListColumnArray(0).Size-1) Then
strCSV = strCSV & ","
End If
edtResult.Text = ""
For i = 0 To ListTableRows.Size-1
Case "SomethingElse"
End Select
End Sub