Android Tutorial Keep app from closing on back key press

I have an app that opens web pages from a menu. Having trouble getting it to NOT close every time you click the android back button (drops out of app).

Tried this code:

Sub activity_KeyPress (KeyCode As Int) As Boolean
If KeyCode = KeyCodes.KEYCODE_BACK Then
WebView1.Visible = False
ListView1.Visible = True
End If

End Sub

Does not work, (listview1 is my main menu I want it to come back to) app still closes if you click the android back button. Does it have to go in some place special?


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You have to Return True in order to consume the event and thus keep the app running.

For further reference check the official guide(written by Klaus):
You will find an example of exactly what you are looking for at the bottom of page 134.
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This is mentioned on pages 237 (16.1) and 308 (19.6) in the guide I have. I am currently studying this very helpful guide.


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Longtime User
I can't find the code in the docs contained in the link... I also have a need / desire to disable the BACK button...

It appears the beginner's guide was updated 5/18/2013 to version 2.5... after these forum posts were created. A PDF search for keywords BACK BUTTON revealed no such code...:sign0085:
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