I am writing a small registration web server using abmaterial. I store users' info on a single json file.
I think it is too simple to use json as my database, so I sought to keyValueStore. SQLite+keyvalue sounds great. But my app just increases from 6mb to 12mb and costs running memory. Also, the code is not as easy to maintain as a json file.
The keyValueStore is like an in-memory NoSQL datebase based on SQLite. As I am not a professional, I'd rather to store on disk directly.
So I decide to roll my code back. Using Json to store data is fine right now. Maybe I should store users' info on separate files based on user's id, which can improve concurrent access.
I find out the reason. I used too many putasync methods where I should simply use put. These async methods make my system not responsive and I cannot see the result instantly.
thanks, I have added these code to set the wal pragma when creating the db file.
'Initializes the store and sets the store file.
Public Sub Initialize (Dir As String, FileName As String)
If sql1.IsInitialized Then sql1.Close
#if B4J
If File.Exists(Dir,FileName) Then
sql1.InitializeSQLite(Dir, FileName, True)
sql1.InitializeSQLite(Dir, FileName, True)
sql1.ExecNonQuery("PRAGMA journal_mode = wal")
End If
sql1.Initialize(Dir, FileName, True)
#end if
End Sub